Ten Questions

Hello my dears! I’ve been thinking about you a lot. Brainstorming in fact, which in it’s own way has stopped me from actually writing.

I have some questions for you.

Here’s the story. I’ve had this blog for quite some time now. And I love it. I hope you like it too. When it started, it was an exercise entirely just for myself. Since then it’s grown into much more, something that I’m very proud of. It’s so terribly exciting for me that people actually read it. I’ve met and talked to so many awesome people from all over.

Ultimately I’m trying to keep making Cute & Delicious more awesome.

Here’s where you come in. I want to know what you think.

I just have a couple questions, and if you wouldn’t mind answering, I would be very grateful. You can let me know your thoughts in the comments or email me at veganbakesale at gmail dot com. 

Ok, here are the questions. If you don’t feel like answering them, but would like to give me feedback anyway I would love that too! And yeah I’m a dork so I made them multiple choice.

1.  Do you prefer reading about:

a.  vegan food

b. crafts

c. both

d. other stuff (like what?)

2. What would you like to see more of?

a. recipes

b. tutorials

c. finished projects/dishes

d. photos

e. lifestyle stuff

f. something else (what?)

3. Would you rather see:

a. shorter posts, more frequently

b. big long juicy posts, less often

4. Ok, what do you think about photos?

a. they’re the most important part

b. like a balance of photos and writing/recipes/tutorials

c. don’t really care about the photos, iphone pictures would be fine

5. How personal do you think cute & delicious is?

a. I feel like I know you from reading it

b. I feel like it’s pretty superficial

c. I don’t really think about it

d. I’m not even really sure who writes this blog

6. Do you think it should be more personal?

a. I want to know more everyday life stuff

b. please just keep it to the food and crafts

c. it’s fine how it is now

7. Ideally how many posts a week do you like to read from a blog?

a. once a week is good, i’m a busy person

b. a few times a week please

c. every day. i need entertainment

d. as many times as possible. i spend a lot of time on the computer

e. i don’t care as long as the posts are good

8. Do you follow me on twitter?

9. How do you read this blog?

a. in a reader/rss feed

b. i just visit from time to time

c. i click when you post something on twitter

d. i’ve never been here before!

e. i’ve come here from another blog

10. Is there anything else you would like to tell me? Do it!

Ok, for those of you who think this is uber boring, I apologize! There will be more posts coming this weekend, I promise.

Any one of you who were kind enough to help me out, I can’t tell you how thankful I am. I’m thankful that you’re just here anyway.

p.s. make sure you use a legit email address if you want something back


Miss Alix