winter movies for your icy heart

snowy_moviesSmilla’s Sense of Snow / Fargo / Winter’s Bone / The Ice Storm / Touching the Void / Frozen River

I’ve been on the lookout for snowy movies, but not the cheerful or festive sort. All month I’ve been in the mood for bleak, cold films that really feel like winter. Here are a few of my top picks.

Other worthy mentions: The Shining / Alive / The Thing

Do you have any favorite winter films?

6 Responses to “winter movies for your icy heart”
  1. Jenn says:

    I love THE ICE STORM! I may have to curl up with a few of these over the holiday break.

  2. Elissa says:

    Yessss to Fargo!

  3. Kevin Cecil says:

    Nice list. The Grey, Batman Returns, A Simple Plan, Misery and Let the Right One in come to mind as well.

  4. Anni says:

    Two of my favorites are Edward Scissorhands and Simon Birch.

  5. lysette says:

    My favorite winter movies are Ravenous and my all time favorite movie period Fearless Vampire Killers. Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale is a lot of fun too. I love Krampus stories. Great website, I admittedly forget about it til Don’t Eat Off the Sidewalk puts up a post and I see your name in her blog lists.

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