

It’s here! The new and improved Cute and Delicious.

And behind this completely new look is the amazing Anna Dorfman of Door Sixteen. Anna made a beautiful design that I adore every piece of. With a minimal amount of direction from me, she came up with something unique and wonderful. For this, I may forever be indebted to her.

I hope you’ll take a look around (make sure to hop out if your reading this in a feed) and let me know what you think. Besides being much more lovely than before, it should be a little bit easier to navigate. I hope you all love it as much as I do.

happy day

Hello friends and happy President’s Day. Hopefully many of you have the day off and are enjoying an extra long weekend. I certainly am.

A few weeks ago I mentioned that Cute and Delicious would be getting a makeover. This is something I’ve been wanting for what seems like forever. Unfortunately, my design and coding skills are basically non-existent, while at the same time I’m very particular. Because of this, the blog has been looking pretty grim for the past few months as I’d rather it look like nothing than something silly. Lucky for me (and for you) the redesign is nearly here.

That means tomorrow Cute and Delicious will have a totally new look. Yay!

p.s. if you’re browsing around today, please excuse any strangeness as I’ve got a bit of housekeeping to do before the launch.