Irish Movies for St. Patrick’s Day

quiet_man_poster I get awfully excited about St. Patrick’s day. Possibly more than I should. I guess I’m always looking for a reason to celebrate. Yes, I have Irish heritage, but I also get wrapped up in any holiday where I can make themed meals. Especially with potatoes.

This year, being that it’s on the weekend, I’m dreaming of watching any Irish film I can think of. The Quiet Man is one of my favorites. Even though its plot is sort of outdated, Maureen O’Hara and John Wayne make it all worth it.

itnotf_02 itnotf_03 itnotf_01 In the Name of the Father is an impeccable film, and while it’s certainly not light and fluffy, it is another great choice. It gives you a tiny glimpse into the struggles that have plagued Northern Ireland through the years. Daniel Day-Lewis is outstanding, as always.

roan_inish_02 roan_inish_03 roan_inish_01 The Secret of Roan Inish is a film I’ve loved since I was a child. It’s the way I always imagine Ireland looks, though I realize there are many more cities. It is full of mystery and fantasy and beautiful landscapes.

Other films worth mentioning: Once (mainly for the music) and The Butcher Boy. I also have to throw in Cremaster 3 for having a section filmed at Giant’s Causeway.

What are your favorite Irish films?

6 Responses to “Irish Movies for St. Patrick’s Day”
  1. bonne says:

    2 more: The Commitments, Waking Ned Devine

  2. bonne says:

    Oh…and Into the West…with Gabriel Byrne

  3. Leah D says:

    I’ve always loved the movie Matchmaker with Janeane Garafalo. It’s technically not an irish movie…but it’s IN ireland. 🙂

  4. Desdemona says:

    The Wind That Shakes the Barley

    The Dead

    Waking Ned Devine


    The Field

  5. kim g. says:

    The Secret of Roan Inish is one of my favorite films. Ryan and I have unsuccessfully tried to move to Ireland, and we still dream that someday we’ll be able to. I hear you on loving potato-filled holiday meals!

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