little blue sweater

baby_sweater 220 It’s baby season, which means I’m at it again with the handmade gifts. I’ve mentioned before that I really enjoy knitting for kids because you get the satisfaction of making something somewhat complex but on a smaller scale. This sweater took me quite a lot longer than the grey sweater I knit last year since it was made with a smaller garter stitch. The hood is by far my favorite part.

baby_sweater 221I also love these handmade buttons I found at The Little Knittery. They weren’t too cutesy and with the burned wood, they have just enough character. Off this will go to some happy new parents (Who hopefully don’t read this blog. I don’t think they do.) just in time for the cooler months.

little sweater

The first sweater I’ve ever knit is a tiny one. I told you I was really into these little projects. This sweater is one of the most fun I’ve made. The pattern was very simple and I loved the super soft pima cotton yarn. Plus it’s grey, my favorite. Another gift for a friend’s baby on the way. I could get used to making these. Since the pattern is only available from an archive, I’ve included it here.

Rachelle suggested that if I start knitting a blanket now it would be finished in the cooler months. I might just do that. I’m also thinking if I start quilting now, I could have holiday gifts made in time. Quilts for all!

baby knits

Knitting is an activity usually reserved for the cooler months when you’re in need of both something to do on a rainy day and new scarf. Yet, I’ve been enjoying knitting up a few projects during this heat wave when it’s too hot to go outdoors. This little baby hat is for my cousin’s baby boy on the way. I used one of my favorite bulky cotton yarns, that I’ve made other hats and headpieces with in the past.

In doing research to find a pattern, I fell down a deep vortex of adorable baby knits and basically want to make everything. They’re all so cute and little, and being so small, fairly quick to finish. If you use Ravelry, you can find the pattern for this hat here. The hat came out a little bit bigger than I expected, but I also didn’t bother to check my gauge so that’s really more my fault than anything.

Now I just need more babies to make cute stuff for. In the mean time maybe I’ll make something for my cats. Do you have any favorite patterns for kids stuff?