Vegan waffles x3

You know what is great about long weekends? Making breakfast. You know what is the best? Making waffles for breakfast three days in a row.

I’ve had a waffle maker since I was in high school, but I’ve never made as lovely waffles as this weekend. Thanks in large part, I believe to a few awesome recipes from Vegan Brunch.

On Saturday we had the gingerbread waffles (seen half eaten above). Sunday we had raised waffles, my absolute favorite, eaten with no toppings, perfect on their own. This morning we had kamut waffles. These were the saddest of the bunch, but still pretty good. Kamut is great for pancakes but not as nice for waffles. I added even more syrup after the first photo was taken. Mmmm waffles. I see more waffles in my future.

6 Responses to “Vegan waffles x3”
  1. Trinity says:

    Mmm I want some waffles. I need a waffle iron!

  2. wow, these are such lovely pictures! so peaceful, calm, and DELICIOUS! who wouldnt want to eat your waffles?!!? spiced waffles sound wonderful, especially the gingerbread ones.

  3. Those pictures are positively serene. So soothing and lovely, and drool worthy! I adore waffles, but I’ve never made any as pretty as this before. Well done!

  4. Amanda says:

    Thank you for this. I bought a waffle iron yesterday and cannot wait to crack out Vegan Brunch and get to town. Yours just look so lovely!!!

  5. Morgan says:

    I love waffles! Yours looks especially good!

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  1. […] In July, I raved about Portland more and made a lot of waffles. […]

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