labor day

labor_day 226labor_day 225labor_day 227This labor day seemed particularly long. Saturday feels like forever ago. We started out with hike in the San Gabriel valley. Since it was so hot, we chose a trail that we knew was shady, but it ended up being quite a bit warmer and more strenuous than we intended. It was still really nice to get outdoors though.

labor_day 220labor_day 224birthday_cake labor_day 219labor_day 228We celebrated my mother’s birthday with some friends. Isabelle made a lovely cake, and when it was remarked that she was becoming a regular Martha Stewart she replied: “Who’s that?” I still don’t feel remotely old but it is slightly strange to see kids I used to babysit grow into adults. Time is curious.

I made some baked spinach artichoke dip for the occasion. I tried something different from the last spinach artichoke dip but I think I like the original recipe better. I’m still tinkering.

I tried this new vegan ice cream that my mom picked up. It was quite good, but more than that, the cold brewed coffee was serious stuff. I probably wouldn’t be writing this post right now if it weren’t for that ice cream.

labor_day 221labor_day 222labor_day 223 We played games including a short but lively game of baseball, where one of the dogs would steal the ball if you hit it too far. Does this make it sound like I played? I did not. Though I did enjoy playing a game of Minotaur. I’m more of a board game kind of girl.

Other things:

  • Meeme and Mochi turned 5! Those little rascals. I love those cats so much it’s ridiculous.
  • We saw Blue Jasmine which I really loved. I’m usually not particularly fond of films about ultra rich people, but Cate Blanchett is truly fantastic. I really thought that everyone was great actually. Even though it’s a tale of distress, it’s still fun to watch. I like many Woody Allen films, but I am not an uber fan as I find many people are. Yet, I think that the “Allenness” of this film makes it work. It was entertaining and surprising. Shawn pointed out it’s has some similarities to A Woman Under the Influence, one of my favorite films.
  • I guess this weekend means that the end of summer is nigh, but it’s been terribly hot. I can’t wait for the cool fall air to make an appearance.

Did you do anything fun or relaxing this weekend?


craft Summer has rolled around and it signals a change of pace. The world is out looking for fun. I spent some time crafting this weekend with some lady friends. Made progress on a piece of knitting I’m working on, unplugged for the most part and gossiped just a little. We also went to a party with a bounce house and jumped until we were dizzy.

mabelWe also have a new foster cat. Her name is Mabel and she’s a darling black kitty. She wants nothing more than for someone to spend some time snuggling with her. If you’re interested in giving her a forever home please let me know.

kittens I spent my Sunday with the Kitt Crusaders at one of their adoption events. Amazingly at least three darling cats got adopted while I was there. Of course there are still plenty more. Like these little kittens. I just wish more people cared as much as some of these people do. If everyone just did a little bit it would make a huge difference. By the way, you can donate to Kitt Crusaders, who is rescuing cats from one of the highest kill shelters in Los Angeles by donating here.


Salton Sea

Salton Sea

Salton Sea

Salton Sea

Salton Sea

Salton Sea

Long weekend means it’s time to get away for a little bit. Which means I should probably get off the internet and get on the road. Excited for some adventures. What are your plans for the weekend?


This past weekend, though very similar to many others, has changed me, even if just a little. We shot the majority of my short film (which still doesn’t have a title by the way, or I’d tell you) over one day and night. There is still some left to do, some specialty things, but with basically no crew, we covered a lot of ground. Having shot things with more equipment and people in the past, it was freeing to work with only the bare necessities.

The whole thing was exhilarating. For the past month, or even two, I’ve been in a slump. My motivation seemed misplaced, despite my best intentions. Part of this was because I wasn’t sure that I’d be able to make this short. Until the day we started filming, I thought things would fall through. This uncertainty bled into every other thing I did. Yet when we arrived home from the last night of filming, in the early hours of Monday morning, I felt driven. I still do. I’m not quite sure where my path is heading, but I’m charging ahead.

So here is to following through, even when it gets hard in ways that don’t entirely make sense. Here is to blind ambition. Here is to following dreams you’re terrified of following. And most importantly, here is to trusting others’ faith in you and to friends who get on board your wild projects. More so, I could not have done this without Shawn’s constant support and excitement. Not to mention the fact that he shot the whole film for me. So here’s to finding the perfect partner too.

blue light

Hooray we have a three day weekend ahead of us! We’re starting to shoot my short film so it’s going to be a very hectic couple of days, rather than calm time off. Yet again, we’re turning part of our apartment into a set, which means even just relaxing at home is a constant reminder of plans and progress. The cats don’t really know what to make of it as two rooms have been commandeered for projects.

In the days leading up to shooting I’m just hoping I’m not forgetting something. There seem to be a million little details that need to be taken care of. I feel like I have a handle on everything and then I think of something that I’ve totally missed and wonder what else there might be. So much responsibility. In any case, at this point I’m more on the excited side, ready to jump in, than on the nervous side which is helpful.

Yesterday when Shawn and I settled on the final location we realized, not for the first time, that we’re not the sort of people that take a weekend off to do nothing. Instead we try to create things, to make something out of our spare time. While it’s nice to relax, it’s very rewarding to be so productive.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend filled with creativity or just a break if that’s what you prefer.